Saturday, 28 July 2012

Iikubo Haruna to change her Image Colour, Chiima cries, the world points and laughs

Morning Musume's Iikubo Haruna will be changing her image colour. Her new colour will be announced on 30th July on Ustream. The other 10th gen members will also be present.

Seriously, WHAT THE HELL? What? Why? WHY? I am going to blame UFA... UFA YOU DICKS!

Okay, now that that is over with, I have a feeling that Harunan herself would have said something towards the colour change too, but honestly, why? I know that the colour is hard to work with sometimes, in the form of glow sticks, but really, this colour is really different, new and unique and it fit Haruna so perfectly - kinda like purple fit Eripon, actually. Now I get how the Eripon fans felt when her colour change was made official, DAMN So, I'm really sad. When I read this news on Twitter this morning, I wanted to cry - when I told me sister, she was really sad. Why, Chokubo... Why?

As you can probably tell, I'm not happy with this colour change. Heck, I will be even less happy if Harunan gets Eripon's purple, because I feel that purple wouldn't fit her as well. If the Japanese Wota are right and it is purple (there was speculation after the announcement of Eripon's colour change, and I think a lot of Wota want Harunan to be purple) then I will be quite unhappy. I would actually prefer her to take on white, or a different shade of yellow that isn't Ai's old yellow colour - anything that isn't purple, I guess. I would prefer that colour to role onto the new generation, though I doubt I will get that.

Anyway, she will always be Chokubo to me - she won't have any other colour in my eyes (unless I LOVE the new colour, we will see...) and her colour will always be 'Chocolate'. Iikubon... Why? WHY?



Watch this video, it actually eased the pain a little. Harunan is entertaining and charming as always.


PS: I am tired and achey, so yeah, rant was needed XD

PING!!! Idolminded Recommended Reading: July 28th, 2012


  1. There, there don't cry! It could be much worse! Like... what if she were chopping all her hair off and selling it online? That would be tragic!


      Also, random note - isn't the Zukki gif actually REALLY fitting next to this title? o-O

    2. Now that I look at it.. Yeah! It totally fits!

  2. I'm also sad that she's changing her color :(

    1. ;A; it is a sad day for us Chocolate Iikubo lovers ;A;

  3. I loved her chocolate color. It was different and looked beautiful on her.

    Part of me loves member colors, but I kinda hate them when they don't stay consistent, and in a group like Morning Musume... Well, it's inconvenient to say the least.

    1. The colour is great, and I wish that she kept it... ;A; -cries-

      I like that the girls have member colours, but I agree with you - at times, these member colours attach you to a girl and help you to recognise her, but when a member changes a colour, or a colour is transferred to another member (Gaki to Eripon) it can be a bit sad for the fans D8 So yeah, it is inconvenient. ;A;

  4. Chocolate definitely suits her the best. Just like Eripon with purple, the color seemed so, I dunno, hers. It made them stand out in a group full of greens and blues.

    All I want is for it not to be a green/blue considering that's basically all the group is at the moment. Like you said, white would be really pretty on her. (I almost wish Riho didn't have red, since that color would look great too)

    1. CHOCOLATE ;A; And I agree with Eripon suiting purple. Whilst I'm all for her colour change, I will miss seeing her in purple, but the colour was Gaki's, and I would prefer Eripon to inherit it xD But yes, the purple was refreshing against the green's and blue's ;A;

      WHITE~ And honestly, I said to my sister 'I would prefer she had Red, but hey, that's taken...' RED SUITS HARUNAN BETTER xD nah joke, suits em both~

  5. You can't have brown glow sticks, silly goose. :3

    1. I know but her fans made chocolate bars or something to wave around during concerts, and created their own brown glowsticks ^^ But I am sad, I love this colour on her ;A;

    2. LOL! Chocolate bars would be awesome! xD

    3. A fan seriously made one (I guess out of acrylic) and the wrapper had 'Haruna' written on it - it looked awesome!

  6. Really? Glowsticks??? Is that the ONLY reason? Some times fandom just makes me want to tear my hair out. Things like that really irritate me. Chocolate looks amazing on her. Brown. Chocolate. Whatever. What is the big freakin' deal??? She can pull it off so well! I didn't like the whole announcement thing because it seemed like she was admitting that the chocolate choice was wrong or something. And it wasn't. Ugh! UGH! Its not the colour thing, it's the principle of the thing...
    BTW: LOVE the Zukki gif and now that I know the context I LOVE MY ZUKKI EVEN MORE!!!!!!!!! XD

    1. The glowsticks thing was only a joke...

    2. Ah good... Rereading that comment, it comes across a lot angrier/crazier than I wanted it to be. @_@ Gonna hide now.

    3. @Isilie A lot of fans did have a hard time with glowsticks, but a lot of them found their way around it and made either their own glowsticks (which admittedly did look orange when turned on) or they created things that were chocolate based - one fan made an acrylic choco bar with a Haruna titled wrapper, and I think some fans made their own Uchiwa's in her colour xD If anything, Harunan's fans worked hard to make items representing their Idol :) Even if they didn't have glowsticks, they still had items they used in concert for her, which is so sweet ;A;

      And don't hide! -hugs- also, yes, I loved how Zukki was laughing at my title XD
