Thursday, 3 May 2012

Niigaki Risa Tribute Plan - Chuu! Sugoi! Idol!

Hey everyone!

This is a pretty late post, however, there is still time! So, if you can, please help out with such a good cause!

I'm pretty sure that most of you know about a blog called Chuu! Sugoi! Idol! Well, as true fans of Morning Musume and Niigaki Risa, they wish to create a special tribute to Gaki where international fans take pictures of themselves doing the Mayuge Beam, or holding signs or little messages for Gaki's graduation!

You can participate by going HERE! So go, go, GO!!!!

The Deadline is May the 15th, but as I said - there is still time!

Also, if you're feeling the Gaki lovin', then find something green to wear - This is just a personal suggestion from myself, as May is my 'Green for Gaki' month, but find something green! Whether it may be green eyeshadow, green clothes, green badges/pins, or green accessories - if it's green, then go Green for Gaki and show her some lovin'! Though doing the Mayuge Beam itself is enough~

Anyway, thank you to Little Miyo for asking if I could help to promote such a sweet cause! If she hadn't commented about it, I would never have known! So, thanks Miyo! Sorry the post is so late! DX

So, what's taking you gusy so long? Let's GO!~~~



  1. thank you for actually promoting this =))

    1. You are very welcome :) Always happy to help out fellow Gaki fans ^^
