D-D-D-DIGEST TIME! And a Happy March as well!
The first Digest of the month, guys! Ad also another Digest filled with glorious Idol news for you all to enjoy, so yeah... sit back and enjoy!
This week in news: Takahashi Ai gets married! Plenty of S/mileage and Berryz! Pretty Cure is still around!? Ono Erena is alive still, yaaay! The Harlem Shake makes its way into my Idol Newsfeed! And more!!! Are you ready to digest?
Video of the Week
Yudachi! Through the Rainbow by Up Up Girls
So this week it has pretty much been me, myself and this song. I don't listen to Up Up Girls in general because... well, I don't, however my friend introduced me to Yudachi! Through the Rainbow from Up Up Girls' third Indies single and I fell in love, so this week I have pretty much been listening to this song. Okay, I have a few other songs I listened to, but this one became the looped song that I always went back to. It's fun, addictive and just amazing! I love the vocals, the arrangement and the happiness it brings me! It's a cute and fun song, and definitely worth a listen if you haven't heard it before.
Picture of the Week
Zukki's a Pimp, just look at how confident she is in her women.
Mizuki's boobs are boss in this... wait, why the hell did I say boss? MEH!
Poll of the Week
This week's poll (it's been a while, poll baby!) is here to ask you about the recent SatoUmi Movement groups that have been introduced! Okay, so there are only three options, but who cares right now? Anyway, the question this week will be...
Who is your favourite SatoUmi Unit?
It's as simple as that! As always I will allow you guys to vote multiple groups, though obviously there are very few to choose from this time around, but oh well... So, who is your favourite unit of the three? Choose wisely!
And now let's get into the important part! GO!
It has been announced that Takahashi Ai will star in a new stage play titled Moshimo Kokomin ga Shusho wo Erandara. The video shows Takahashi Ai promoting the play at a press conference.
I'm happy for Ai, she is doing really well in her stage plays and I am glad that she is so successful as a theatre actress! Well done Ai for getting a starring role!
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(From Top Left to Bottom Centre: Limited A, B, C, D and Regular Edition) |
The covers to S/mileage's next single Tabidachi no Haru ga Kita have been revealed! The covers show a very natural and simple look to the cute S/mileage members!
These covers remind me of C-ute more than anything, however they look very nice, I like the light look. It's really nice and appealing for someone like me. Well done, graphics designers!
It has been announced that Fukuda Kanon will be in Weekly Shounen Champion. It will be out on March 14th 2013.
Hopefully many fans will buy a copy of the magazine to see their Idol and see her pictures! Knowing Kanon, she will look just like a princess!
S/mileage will be in BLT and Monthly Entame. Please look forward to the releases!
Two magazine releases? Or at least I think that they are magazines... either way, two releases is amazing news! Nicely done, UFP!
It has been revealed that Akihabara Backstage Pass will hold a Girl's Festinal Hinamatsuri from February 27th until March 3rd 2013.
By the time I release the Digest this will technically be old news, however I find it surprising that Akihabara Backstage Pass are hosting an event like the one that Hello! Project are holding. Either way, it is good promotion for the girls and will allow fans and the public to know more about them and to introduce them to the Cafe and Idols.
It has been announced that tarento Yaguchi Mari and Hello! Project trainee's Yoshihashi Kurumi, Ichioka Reina, Murot Mizuki and Tanabe Nanami will take part in the Ikinukukiseki ~Juunenme no Negai stage play. It will run from April 4th until April 9th 2013.
I didn't know that Marippe acted. Weird... well whatever, it'll be fun to see just how much taller the kids are next to her! Muahahaha!!!
A video showing Morning Musume rehearsing for the Hello! Project Hinamatsuri has been uploaded to the MoBeKiMaSu youtube channel. Please check it out to see how the girls do!
Riho actually sounds controlled and good! She has learnt how to sing properly! YES!!!
S/mileage's 2nd generation will hold a Fanclub event on April 14th 2013.
A chance to actually hear Kana and Rina sing... maybe. Also, there will be an event at night for all Meimi fans to attend, titled 'Night-time Dinner party with Meimi, bring bare necks...'
A clip from THE Possible's first weekly Acoustic Live has been uploaded to the TNX channel. Please check it out and enjoy!
Very beautiful singing, I really hope that Tsunku continues to use these girls and promote them more. They have great talent!
Please check out Up Up Girls on the cover of De☆View Magazine!
They look gorgeous guys, and my gosh those legs! Leggy leggy leggy love *^*
(Left to Right: CD+DVD and CD version)
The covers and tracklist to Kitahara Sayaka's up-coming best of album Haru no Graduation have been revealed! Please check them out!
Track List:
2. Gamushara
3. Haru no Graduation
4. Kanari Junjou
5. Yume no Katamari
6. Natsu ga Owacchau
7. Madogawa kara Ai wo Komete
8. Kinou no Kaze wa Doko Fuku Kaze
9. Yappa Seishun
10. Aijou Jounetsu Neppuu
11. Natsu ga Yattekuru
DVD Track List:
1. Yappa Seishun (MV)
2. Kanari Junjou (MV)
4. Natsu ga Yattekuru (MV)
5. Haru no Graduation (MV)
I was wondering when more news on the album would come out and I am honestly happy that the covers and track list are finally here, however I am extremely disappointed in the covers; the cartoon image ruins it and just takes away from the simplistic beauty of Sayaka. Then again it is for an anime, but you know... it's ruining the cover.
I find it tacky, and it may just be me...
(From Top Left to Bottom Right: Limited A, B, C and Regular Edition)
Ono Erena will release her 4th solo single on March 6th 2013. The single is titled Kimi ga Anohi Waratteita Imi wo and will be Erena's first release of 2013. Once again Erena has written the lyrics for the title track of the song, and has explained that the theme for the single is Pop Rock Girl. The song was recorded with a band for the first time, and the covers express the 'past', 'present' and 'future' of Ono Erena to show that she is moving forward into the future.
I was wondering when the covers and such would come out, and from what I can see, I really like how they look; especially Limited C! It's very bright and does look like Erena is heading into the future. I also like that she has themed the covers, too. The theme works well!
S/mileage's Fukuda Kanon, Nakanishi Kana and Tamura Meimi present their release for Mac People Magazine. Please check it out!
Kanananananananananana is promoting stuff! It makes me happy! Also, if you buy soon, you will get a free 'dinner with Meimi, Wota Speciaru', or at least, Meimi will get a free dinner...
Here is a brand new Kawaii Pateen Report in Akihabara! Please enjoy as the Backstage Pass girls go through their fashion tips for the viewers!
Another cute report for everyone! I love that it has English subtitles, it helps me haha! I am really useless at understanding Japanese sadly. Also, the Backstage Pass girls are super adorable and it gives us a chance to see them!
The Hello! SATOYAMA Life DVD covers for Volume 1 and 2 have been revelaed! They are also up for pre-order on e-Lineup!
The covers are really simple... in fact I want to fire the damn graphics designers! Stop being so cheap, UFP!
It has been announced that the Hello! Project store in Shibuya will be closing, however a new store will be opened up in Akihabara. The grand opening will be on March 30th 2013.
I was surprised when I saw the news because I originally thought it was closing, not re-opening, however I am pleased to see that it is opening up in Akihabara, one of the main shopping centrals for Otaku, Wota and fashionista's. This will be great for Hello! Pro because there will be more people and possibly a bigger store! I am glad that they are re-opening, it makes me happy.
Kawaii Girl Japan have an English translated interview with Mano Erina. The first part has already been posted and there will be two parts to this interview. Please take a look at the interview when you can!
This interview is sweet and focuses on Erina and her relationship with her manager more than anything. It's a very casual, loving kind of interview. It's an enjoyable read, so please check it out!
A preview to GIRLS NEWS nexxt episode featuring Hello! Project has been released. The preview shows making of scenes for Berryz Kobou's Asian Celebration and S/mileage's next single Tabidachi no Haru ga Kita. The main guest for the episode is Katsuta Rina.
Please check out the preview if you are at all curious about the next episode! Also, I am so pleased that Rina is being interviewed! Yay!!!
Kikkawa Yuu's second original album has been announced and will titled Two YOU. It will be released on April 24th 2013. A DVD Music Clips Volume. 1 will also be released on the same day.
This is amazing news for Kikka fans, and amazing news for Kikka herself. Hopefully her album will be filled with amazing songs that all her fans can enjoy. Please reserve a copy if you can!
Kumai Yurina and Sugaya Risako will have a joint handshake event to promote Asian Celebration on March 12th 2013.
As always, to all fans within the area please go and support the girls and meet your Idols in person!
Sayashi Riho, Ishida Ayumi, Fukumura Mizuki, Kudo Haruka and Iikubo Haruna will take part in the Gogaku Yuu stageplay that will run from July 12th until July 23rd 2013.
I seriously hope that the order of which the girls were announced for the stageplay is not the importance of their roles, because Riho is a terrible actress in my opinion. Ayumi on the other hand is pretty damn good... then again, they were only grunting for Stacies. Whatever, I am happy that Kudo (a good actress) and Iikubo (who makes freaky faces, that's cool) are in it too! And Fukumura. She's yummy!
I wonder what the play is about...?
The Cabbage Patch Kids promote the Satoyama Quiz Rally for mobile phones on the official SATOYAMA channel! Please check out the video!
I do wonder how these two are the most popular unit...
I will forever question it, won't I?
There will be a SATOYAMA Movement MUSIC CLIPS on sale at the up-coming events at Yokohama Pacifico.
Why not on CDJapan or Neowing? I might want to buy it, you never know...
Episode 3 of UF LICKS has been uploaded, including footage of a live band recording for LoVendoЯ's new single as well as C-ute's Yajima Maimi and Okai Chisato as guests. There is also a clip of Yajima Maimi's solo PV for Ame. Please enjoy!
The episode is quite good, much like any other episode from UF LICKS, though I feel that we have more interesting content this time around. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! Please take a look!
JapaDOL has a special feature on Bakusute Sotokanda Icchome and also features other groups, introducing Idol Culture to foreign fans.
This program seems really fun and I like that it is introducing foreign fans to Idol culture and how it works. This is also the first episode of what may be a series. It also helps that the presenter, Kaori, can speak English and also understand Japanese, and she is also a member of Bakusute Sotokana Icchome, so she knows what she's talking about. It's pretty darned interesting if you ask me!
Please check it out! It is a fun watch and I like that the presenter is an Idol herself. Note; Kaori is the presenter for this episode only it seems. There will be different presenters for different groups (possibly).
The CM's for Hello! Pro DVD Volume's 35 and 36 have been released.
As always, the CM's are filled with fun and cute antics from the girls, giving us a good look at what to expect from the DVD's if you potentially buy them. The first CM is very cute an cheerful, and the second CM seems to focus a lot on the girls talking to Tsunku and generally being funny.
Please check out the CM's and think about ordering!
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On February 27th, popular AKB48 member Shinoda Mariko attended the opening event for her original brand's store opening at Lumine Est Shinjuku. The brand name is ricori. All clothing for the brand was designed and produced by Mariko herself. Aside from opening her store in Tokyo, Shinda is also set to open two store up in Osaka.
Oh, wow, well done Mariko-sama! I would bitch about some of her clothing choices, but honestly, I don't care about fashion, and also fashion is subjective, so can't say much there. I am happy for her though, because being in AKB48 has helped her to achieve a massive dream she may have never accomplished alone. Well done, oldie!
It has been announced that AKB48 have created another charity song titled Tenohira ga Kataru Koto for the Tohaku Earthquake, and will begin distributing the the song for free on March 8th 2013. In addition to this, the Idol group along with sister groups SKE48, NMB48 and HKT48 will also donate money to the Japan Red Cross by holding charity performances at their respective theatres on March 11th, two years exactly since the disaster.
Has it really been 2 years? It's relly shocking even now what happened, but I am glad that AKB48, one of the most well known and (still, surprisingly considering their scandals and such) popular Idols groups in Japan are doing all they can by creating a new charity song and also continuing to donate money to the cause
Hopefully all fans will check out the song when it is released. The source will include more details concerning the release, so please check it out when it is available.
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It has been revealed that S/mileage will be the 'Scramble Guest' at HMV Idol Gakuen 7 on March 20th and March 30th 2013 along ith Dempagumi.inc as Special guests and Baby Raids. The main acts will be 9nine, Tokyo Girls' Style and Cheeky Parade.
This may be a really fun event, especially with such a great lineup! There's a nce mix of groups there, and I am happy to see that 9nine and TGS are there as well as Cheeky Parade! Again, a nice mix of different Idol groups who all have different styles in music and clothes!
I want a ustream... even if I do dislike ustreams now XD
S/mileage will hold a mini-live and handshake event at Venus Fort on March 24th 2013 to promote their up-coming single.
Of course there would be a mini-live! Any chance to go and see Rina + The others up-front... gehehe...
Oh lord me and my crappy puns haha!
On February 27th, popular AKB48 member Shinoda Mariko attended the opening event for her original brand's store opening at Lumine Est Shinjuku. The brand name is ricori. All clothing for the brand was designed and produced by Mariko herself. Aside from opening her store in Tokyo, Shinda is also set to open two store up in Osaka.
Oh, wow, well done Mariko-sama! I would bitch about some of her clothing choices, but honestly, I don't care about fashion, and also fashion is subjective, so can't say much there. I am happy for her though, because being in AKB48 has helped her to achieve a massive dream she may have never accomplished alone. Well done, oldie!
It has been announced that AKB48 have created another charity song titled Tenohira ga Kataru Koto for the Tohaku Earthquake, and will begin distributing the the song for free on March 8th 2013. In addition to this, the Idol group along with sister groups SKE48, NMB48 and HKT48 will also donate money to the Japan Red Cross by holding charity performances at their respective theatres on March 11th, two years exactly since the disaster.
Has it really been 2 years? It's relly shocking even now what happened, but I am glad that AKB48, one of the most well known and (still, surprisingly considering their scandals and such) popular Idols groups in Japan are doing all they can by creating a new charity song and also continuing to donate money to the cause
Hopefully all fans will check out the song when it is released. The source will include more details concerning the release, so please check it out when it is available.
Source | Source
It has been revealed that S/mileage will be the 'Scramble Guest' at HMV Idol Gakuen 7 on March 20th and March 30th 2013 along ith Dempagumi.inc as Special guests and Baby Raids. The main acts will be 9nine, Tokyo Girls' Style and Cheeky Parade.
This may be a really fun event, especially with such a great lineup! There's a nce mix of groups there, and I am happy to see that 9nine and TGS are there as well as Cheeky Parade! Again, a nice mix of different Idol groups who all have different styles in music and clothes!
I want a ustream... even if I do dislike ustreams now XD
S/mileage will hold a mini-live and handshake event at Venus Fort on March 24th 2013 to promote their up-coming single.
Of course there would be a mini-live! Any chance to go and see Rina + The others up-front... gehehe...
Oh lord me and my crappy puns haha!
The Hinamatsuri festival rehearsal video for Berryz Kobou has been uploaded to the mbcms youtube channel, so please check it out!
Sadly, Momochi and her disgusting pigtails are still around. EW!
C-ute's rehearsal footage for the Hinamatsuri festival has been uploaded to the mbcms channel, so please check it out and watch as the girls work hard!
I am seriously glad that they have chosen quite a few up-beat songs fro C-ute as opposed to the boring-ass Kono Machi shite.
I swear I am sometimes too mean... hehe.
On March 2nd 2013 AKB48 member Nakaya Sayaka announced her graduation from the group. She will graduate from AKB48 after the upcoming theatre performance on March 6th 2013. Her reason for her graduation is so that she can pursue a career as a voice actress. She will also be leaving her Talent agency Mousa in order to pursue her career.
Today on March 2nd, I announced the following during the theater performance…
I, Nakaya Sayaka, will be graduating from AKB48 after the theater performance on March 6.
I’m really sorry for this sudden announcement.
I’ve been thinking about graduation since I was ranked in the general election… no, actually, since long before that.
However, it was just so much fun to work with the members, and I was just happy to see your smiles.
Honestly, I was too dependent on this comfortable environment.
But, I have finally found something that made me determine to graduate. It is a Seiyuu audition for my favorite anime.
There is no guarantee for me to get the part, but that’s something I really want to try. I wanted to do it even if I had to abandon this favorable environment.
Not only AKB48, but I will also leave my agency Mousa. That’s because there is a qualification for the audition that you should not belong to any agency.
I’m sorry for the sudden announcement. This will be me starting over from scratch, but I’m sure I can hang in there, because of what I’ve done up until now.
Please continue to support Nakaya Sayaka from here on.
MUSICU, STARTO!!!Nakaya Sayaka
Okay, jokes aside, that is honestly really sad but also great. It's a big risk for Sayaka, however risks are needed in life in order to obtain dreams, and hopefully she will be able to do it Best of luck, girl I don't know!
And also, a little bitch: This is announced 4 DAYS BEFORE SHE LEAVES! Was this a jump decision or are AKB management sore, like UFP were when Saki apparently announced her desire to leave in May, but we only got a 3 day effing notice?
The (supposed) single outfits for C-ute's next single have been revealed, so revel in their glorious sexiness!
FISHNETS!!! LEGS!!! Shorts... NAKKY!!!!
My lord my nose will bleed if they look this hot in the actual MV...
MAiDiGi TV and TohoChannel have reported on the stage play The Wedding Singer which starred Takahashi Ai. Please check them out!
If you like question-based reports, then MAiDiGi TV's is simply all questions about the stage play, whilst TohoChannel actually have footage from the final day of the play from the cast bowing and then comments from the cast members in costume. Everyone, please watch that one to see Ai in a wedding dress!
If you like question-based reports, then MAiDiGi TV's is simply all questions about the stage play, whilst TohoChannel actually have footage from the final day of the play from the cast bowing and then comments from the cast members in costume. Everyone, please watch that one to see Ai in a wedding dress!
More footage of The Wedding Singer press release has been uploaded via MAiDiGi TV's channel, so please check it out!
I think that this one highlights just how well the cast get along together. Yaaay!
Kanaloco has uploaded footage from the first day of the SATOYAMA Movement Hinamatsuri event. Please check it out!
Was it just me who thought that the Hinamatsuri festival for Satoyama would be held, uh... outside???
Wada Ayaka has been revealed to be the next Idol DJ for Idol Hour Hello! Project on Enjoy Network Japan!
Okay, why did I stop listening to that radio show? Other than being lazy and an abundance of work?
MAiDiGi TV have uploaded footage from the Hinamatsuri event of Berryz Kobou. The footage also contains a special announcement that Berryz Kobou's new song will be the cheer song for Pretty Cure's new Pretty Cure All Star movie! Congrats to Berryz Kobou!
I was really hoping that Maiha would return, I wanted to finally see her in action... and Pretty Cure's still around!?
The official profiles for Juice=Juice have been created! Please check them out!
I love that their necklaces, earrings and bracelets are their image colours. I also love the simple and casual style of their outfits!
Here is a preview of Suzuki Airi in Weekly Playboy, sporting a sweet and gentle Highschool girl look!
Airi, why aren't you in a bikini? I want you in a bikini...
Up Up Girls have released a video of the girls doing the Harlem Shake. Want to see what happens? Then please check it out!
I like the one in a bikini/underwear and the girl in the glasses with whatever the hell that costume is! XD
It has been announced that S/mileage will hold their second fanclub bus tour on May 11th and 12th 2013. Th application deadline is April 5th!
Awesome news for the S/mileage fans! Hopefully you guys will be able to go on the bus tour if you're in Japan at the time... or we can patiently await the DVD!
JIJIPRESS have released footage rom Music Festa Vol.0 presented by SATOYAMA movement in YOKOHAMA. Footage includes LoVendoЯ's debut and also features Tsunku, Tasaki Asahi and other up-front artists. Please check it out if interested!
Yossie should totally be a part of LoVendoЯ, just saying. She would fit in better than Winky and her short arse. Also, Yossie's rendition The PEACE is Heavenly I tell you, and just so damn perfect.
LoVendoЯ's first song sounds pretty damn boring o-O
Kamei Eri came to see and support Takahashi Ai during her performance for The Wedding Singer.
UFZS celebrate their 2nd Anniversary and Up Up Girls leave their comments for WEB! Please check out the video with English subtitles!
Okay I love Akari haha, wanting to take that Leader position! And I like the girls' ambition to do a street live in Korea. It's a fun watch, so please check it out everyone and support UFZS more this year like you did last year!
Tsugunaga Momoko will hold a public recording event for her Radio show on March 30th 2013.
Oh cool. Too bad I don't care though.
Here is the 15 second Spot for C-ute's up-coming stage play! Please check it out!
Why does Maimi look high? Oh wait, that's how she usually looks.
Chisato's death glare!!! Arrrgh!!!
Berryz Kobou will hold mini-lives and handshake events on March 14th and 15th 2013.
YAY FOR PROMOTION of ugly-ass costumes and a pretty cool song!
There will be Berryz Kobou x Pretty Cure collaboration posters in various Tokyo stations from March 11th until the 17th 2013. Please check them out if you can!
Pretty Cure would stomp all over Berryz and their tacky costumes with the amount of girls they have...
JIJIPRESS have released footage from the recent Hello! Project SATOYAMA Hinamatsuri with a focus on Berryz Kobou.
Okay so let me ask; Berryz get a damn Hinamatsuri for their 10th year, but for 15 years as MM they get a plain concert? Urgh...
OH MY GOSH JUICE=JUICE PREVIEW!!!! AND A C-UTE PREVIEW!!! And why are the Juice=Juice members still singing with the Kenshuusei? I'm sorry but whuuut?
On March 3rd it was announced that Momoiro Clover Z's 'younger brother' group DISH// would make their major debut in June this year from Sony Music records! It has also been revealed that their major debut single, I Can Hear, will serve as the ending theme for the new season of anime NARUTO Shippuden this April. Please look forward to their debut!
I have no idea who you are, but you're adorable, all of you. Are you as crazy as your older sisters, though? Because I might avoid you if you are...
It has been revealed that Kawashima Umika of Idol group 9nine will make an appearance in Ono Erena's up-coming drama Tank Top Fighter. Umika will take on the role of Riku, Kai's (Ono Erena) older sister who supports Kai by collecting information.
On the role of being an intellectual character: "This will be a new challenge for me, so I’m little nervous.”It has also been announced that 9nine will be providing the opening theme to the drama.
On playing as an older sister: “When I first heard about it, I was worried if I would be able to play the role (as Kawashima and Ono are same age). Though I feel a little pressured, I will try my best to be a reliable older sister.”
Okay, this is great news, not just for Umika but also for 9nine! Obviously this is Erena's drama predominantly however it's great that Umika and 9nine are able to create a tie-in song for it too. Promotion, baby!
Episode 5 of Hello! Project Station has been uploaded! This week's host is Sudou Maasa of Berryz Kobou! Please check it out!
Maasa! Your beauty has returned!!! Thank you for gracing Hello! Pro Station with your every lasting beauty and reporting on the SATOYAMA Hinamatsuri! We love you!
Also, I am glad that this week's Hello! Pro Station touched on not just the SATOYAMA Hinamatsuri but also the Berryz 9th/10th Anniversary as well as showed us a solo PV of Airi. Yaay! And a performance of S/mileage!? Maasa, you spoil me!
And that is all we have time for this week! Once again thank you for tuning into the Weekly Digests! I hope that your knowledge meter has been filled! Until next time, ja ne~
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